School Owl Cookie Set

Written by Mike Tamplin • Jul 31, 2016

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School Owl Cookie Set
Akaso Mini Projector

Take your cookie decorating to the next level!

Trace cookie designs with ease with the Akaso mini projector.
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Target has started stocking the middle of the aisles with notebook paper and Crayola marker sets. You know what that means... Back-to-School season has begun! I've been getting a lot of requests to offer a Back-to-School cookie cutter set, so if you were one of the requesters, today is your lucky day. :)

Here's a fun school owl cookie set that could work for both Back-to-School season and Teacher Appreciation week at the end of the school year.

School Owl Cookie Cutter Set

Just added to the shop is this new 3-piece school owl cookie cutter set. The set includes a head, a body, and a feet/tail cookie cutter. When place together, the cookie set forms the appearance of an adorable owl holding a chalkboard while perched atop a pencil.

Also, like my Easter stick cookies and my otter cookie set I posted earlier this year, this set fits perfectly in my favorite, 7″x 4.5″x 1.25″ Simplex cookie box made by BRP Box Shop (box shown in the featured image above).

school owl cookie cutter set

School Owl Cookie Set Template

To help guide you through the decorating process, I made a template of the school owl design shown below. In the PDF file, you'll find a template for each cookie cutter shape.

You can download the school owl cookie set template HERE.

If you have a Kopykake or Pico projector, just print it out (or pull it up on your mobile device) and you are good to go. For those without a projector, follow the suggested steps below by cutting out the template and tracing the design onto the cookie with an edible food marker.

Decorating Process

Just a warning, because there are three cookies involved, this post is a little long. So get comfortable and let's get started!

You will need the following suggested colors:

Owl Head Cookie

  1. Begin by first outlining the eyes then filling them in with white royal icing. I went with almond-shaped eyes, but feel free to use round circles if that's easier. Let the icing set for about 15 minutes.
school owl cookie head step 1
  1. Next, add about a half inch border around the eyes with light brown icing. Then outline and fill the remaining area with darker brown icing. Let the icing set completely before moving on (about 1 to 2 hours).
school owl cookie head step 2
  1. Once the base layer had time to dry, add the details. Pipe on the black eye pupils, then immediately add a tiny dot of white icing on each pupil for a cute, reflective touch.  
  2. Lastly, add a smiling beak detail in the middle with dark yellow icing, and two eyebrows (these are optional) with dark brown icing.
school owl head step 3

Owl Body Cookie

  1. Begin by first outlining a rectangle in the middle of the cookie with chalkboard green icing. Leave about a quarter of an inch space from the edges. Fill in the middle and let it set for about 15 minutes.
school owl body step 1
  1. Next, with light brown icing, add the border around the chalkboard. Let it dry for about an hour, then add the owl's wings with dark brown icing. Let the icing completely dry before moving on.
school owl cookie body step 2
  1. Once the cookie is dry, outline the wings and fingers with dark brown icing and a #1 tip. With piping consistency white icing, add your message of choice on the chalkboard.
school owl cookie body step 3

Owl Feet Cookie

  1. Begin by first adding the tan and gray detail areas of the pencil. Let that set for about 15 minutes, then add the yellow pencil stem and pink eraser areas, as shown below. Let the icing dry for about an hour before moving on.
school owl cookie feet step 1
  1. Once the pencil sections had time to dry, add the toes and the tail feathers. First, add the middle toes and every other tail feather section. Let them set for about 15 minutes, then add the remaining toes and tail feathers. This will give nice dimension to the cookie. Let this cookie dry completely for 1 to 2 hours.
school owl cookie feet step 2
  1. After the cookie is dry, add the finishing details: the black tip of the pencil, the yellow pencil lines, and the two gray bands over the gray area, as shown below.
school owl cookie feet step 3

The finished school owl cookie set should look like the set below.

school owl cookie cutter set by Semi Sweet Designs

Depending on the occasion, the chalkboard area can be customized to your liking. For example, you can personalize the set with a teacher's name, or with a "Thank You" for an appreciation gift, or even with a warning for what's to come this year. :)

school owl cookie platter by Semi Sweet Designs

Owl puns would also be fun to add to the chalkboard. "Thanks for OWL you do!" or "Your class was a hoot!" were a few examples off the top of my head. If you have any more, I would love to know!

I hope everyone is enjoying the rest of your summer!

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