The Cookie Companion Book Giveaway

Essential Decorating Tools for Royal Icing
It's not quite the Christmas season yet, but I'm always the type to celebrate early. Seeing Santas and snowmen in stores the day after Halloween is something I always look forward to. In celebration of the upcoming holiday season, I have an early present for one lucky reader.
My friend, Georganne of LilaLoa, is a treasure to the cookie community. Her cookie blog is a time-saver on topics like troubleshooting and color questions. Well, good news! She has recently written a helpful new book that every cookier should have in their arsenal.
The Cookie Companion is filled with the same witty sense of honor I loved about Georganne's blog. In addition to making me laugh, it's a wonderful resource on color mixing and putting together color palettes.

Figuring out what colors would go great with each other, then figuring out how to mix those colors is still a daunting task for me. However, Georganne has laid it all out in such an organized and easy-to-reference way. This book has over 100 color formulas to help guide and inspire you.
Reading further, you really get into the meat of the book. All of the cookie designs are beautifully photographed and arranged alphabetically.

I was really blow away by Georganne's Christmas set, especially that angel cookie! Adorable, right? Not only is it a beautiful design, but such a creative use of a Christmas tree cutter as well! So much so, that I had to make it for myself.

I made a few tweaks to Georganne's original design, but the essence is still the same. This is just a small sample of what you’ll find in Georganne’s book.
Now on to the giveaway! Georganne would love to give one lucky reader a copy of her book, The Cookie Companion. To enter a chance to win, just leave a comment below stating what cookie/baking toy is on your Christmas wish list this year. That easy! One winner will be selected randomly using Random.Org. The giveaway will end Friday, November 13th at 10pm PST.
**Giveaway Closed!**
Congrats to Jan! I'll be contacting you through email to get a copy heading your way.