How to Make Cat Under a Witch Hat Cookies

Essential Decorating Tools for Royal Icing
Black cats are known to be mischievous on Halloween night. And that's the exact quality I tried to capture with these "Cat Under a Witch Hat" cookies.
This kitty is hiding for a decorative reason. Just like these vampire cookies, by having this cat appear to be hiding under a hat, I hoped to make the decorating process a little easier by avoiding most of its body details.
There are still quite a few steps involved with this "Cat Under a Witch Hat" design. However, I hope to guide you through the process in detail below.
Cat Under a Witch Hat Cookie Cutter
Among the new Halloween cutters just released in the shop is this new Cat Under a Witch Hat Cookie Cutter.

Just looking at the silhouette shape of this cookie cutter, I can also imagine it being other ideas. (Do you see a standard witch head with wavy hair, as well?) It's always nice when cookie cutters can be used for more than a single design.
Template for the Cat Under a Witch Hat Cookies
To help with the decorating process, I made a PDF template available for all this season's new Halloween designs.
You can download the 2018 Halloween cookie templates HERE.
If you have a Kopykake or Pico projector, just print it out (or pull it up on your mobile device) and you are good to go. For those without a projector, follow the suggested steps below by tracing the design onto the cookie with an edible food marker.
The Decorating Process
To make these Cat Under a Witch Hat cookies, you will need to following suggested colors:
- Purple piping and flood icing (I used Americolor Eggplant.)
- Green medium icing (I used Americolor Electric Green.)
- Yellow medium icing (I used Americolor Egg Yellow.)
- Black flood and piping icing (I used Americolor Super Black.)
- Gray piping icing (I used mixed a little of the Black icing above with more white icing.)
- Orange piping icing (I used Americolor Orange).
Step 1
For those without a projector, mark guidelines where the cat head & paws, as well as the hat's band should be, as shown. I made a template with template plastic from the PDF file above and used a food marker to draw the guidelines on the cookie.

Step 2
Begin by painting a thin layer of icing around the lower paws area with black flood icing. Also, outline and fill the top of the hat section with purple icing. Let this icing dry for about 10 minutes.
Once the icing is set, add the sides of the hat sections, as well as the two eyes. For the eyes, quickly fill each eye area with green icing and then immediately add the black pupils. This will give the eyes a smooth top finish. Let this icing set for about 30 minutes.

Step 3
Next, fill the face area around the eyes with black icing, and then add the middle fingers of the paws. Let this icing set for about 30 minutes.
Then, move on by filling the remaining band of the hat with green icing. Follow that up by adding the remaining 4 fingers of the paws.

Step 4
Lastly, it's time to add the final details. Add the hat's buckle with yellow icing, then finish the face with a nose and smile lines. Complete these Cat Under a Witch Hat cookies by adding the outlines around the hat.

Video Tutorial
The steps above are demonstrated in the time-lapsed video below.
I was going for a kooky "witch's lair" vibe for these cookies. Here's the finished Cat Under a Witch Hat cookies along side its companion cookies.

To see how I used stencils to create the Hocus Pocus cauldron cookie above, click here for the previous post.
I hope this helps everyone with their pre-planning of their Halloween festivities!