Introducing the New Semi Sweet Designs!
Essential Decorating Tools for Royal Icing
Welcome to the brand new Semi Sweet Designs! Come on in, and please pardon the dust, this blog renovation finished up just yesterday.
I know it's been quiet around here without much cookie activity for the past few weeks, but as you can see, I've been keeping myself busy. How do you like the new look?
Why the Change
With my old site design, I had a neat logo, but the rest of the website was a bit uncoordinated. A year ago I talked to my brother Billy, a web designer, and my friend Steve, an illustrator, to see if they could help me out with a new look. After some brain-storming, we decided to do a total blog site overhaul-- new logo, new colors, and new layout. Over this past 3-day weekend, we worked around the clock implementing the brand new look.
What I initially thought was going to just be a few months of web development turned out to be a year-long project, with ups anddowns along the way. Being involved in the process, I can really appreciate what web designers do for a living. It's a lot of work! My brother and Steve are the talented geniuses behind it all, and I couldn't be happier with the final product.
What's New
Please sit back and feel free to look around. One of the new things you might notice is onthe About Me page. I finally have a real-life picture of myself. No more mysterious man behind the blog.
Also, you'll notice I have a little mascot now. With the new photo of myself on the blog, you can judge for yourself if this little guy resembles me.
On the sidebar, as you hover over the headers, you might notice some neat, subtle animations. I also added my Instagram feed to offer a behind-the-scenes look at what goes on in and away from my kitchen.
Now, I couldn't leave this post without showing off some cookies. I've been running on a few hours sleep, but because I haven't picked up a piping bag in over three weeks, I had an strong urge to make some cookies for this special occasion. I just had to cookie-fy the new look.
We were up pretty late last night fixing errors and are still trying to comb through the remaining broken code from the old site. Hopefully, in the next few days it will be 100 percent up and running. In the meantime, thanks for your patience!