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Gingerbread House of Cards Collaboration

Written by Mike Tamplin • Dec 16, 2013

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Gingerbread House of Cards Collaboration
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What do you get when you have the skilled, professional background of an architect crossed with the talent for making some killer cookies? Edible ingenuity, that's what! That's how I describe my friend Rebecca, The Cookie Architect.

Eames House of Cards
Example of an Eames' House of Cards deck.

Rebecca reached out to the cookie community. Inspired by famed architects Charles and Ray Eames' House of Cards game, she wanted to see if we could help create our own version of a house of cards with decorated gingerbread. After 29 cookiers said yes, Rebecca put her plan into action.

Using her architectural super powers (and maybe a bandsaw), Rebecca made each gingerbread card piece, mailed one to each cookier, and instructed us to decorate both sides. The idea was to decorate it in a holiday fashion, however we still had full creative liberty on the final designs.

Here were the designs I went with:

House of Cards side 2
House of Cards side one

I wanted to do a single design scene that could span across both sides of the card, yet have each side still work if it stood alone. I went with a reindeer pulling Santa's sleigh in the midnight sky.

After decorating both sides of the gingerbread card, we mailed the finished piece back to Rebecca for final assembly.

Below are all the card pieces together and assembled.

Cookie House of Cards
Cookie House of Cards
Cookie House of Cards
Cookie House of Cards

Pretty neat stuff, right? I want to thank Rebecca for inviting me to this fun and unique collaboration. I really appreciate all the hard work and planning you put into this project to make it all happen You're awesome!

If you would like to know all the other awesome participants in this project and see each piece in detail, you can view the entire collection on The Cookie Architect's Facebook album.

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