Decorated Easter Cookies and Cutters

Essential Decorating Tools for Royal Icing
As the winter temperatures slowly rise, I'm hoping spring weather is just around the corner. Although, Mother Nature can been pretty unpredictable. Here's hoping the current run of nice, sunny days in southern California holds true for just a little while longer.
One thing that will always get me into the spring state-of-mind is decorating Easter cookies. Just like I did for my Christmas cookie cutter options last year, I wanted to provide Easter cookie cutter designs in the shop early. This way, you could get a head start planning your own Easter cookie options. Luckily, Easter is later this year (April 16th), leaving us with plenty of time to prepare.
The intention of this blog post is to showcase all the new Easter cookie cutter options I added to the shop. Not to worry though; I still plan on putting together decorating tutorials over the next couple of weeks as Easter approaches. I'm excited to show you all the new Easter cookies and cutters below!
Easter Cookie Cutters
Just added to the shop are seven new Easter cookie cutters!

Each cookie cutter comes in array of different sizes. Most of the decorated cookies shown below are a size LARGE, unless otherwise noted. The cookie dimensions were set based on ideal sizes for packaging, which I'll go into detail below.
Template for the Easter Cookies
To help with the decorating process, I made a PDF template of all of my Easter cookie designs.
You can download the Easter cookie templates HERE.
If you have a Kopykake or Pico projector, just print it out (or pull it up on your mobile device) and you are good to go. For those without a projector, follow the suggested steps below by tracing the design onto the cookie with an edible food marker.
Gift Packaging for Easter Cookies
These Easter cookies were designed to be given as a single cookie favor, or mixed-and-matched in easy gift sets.
- For a single cookie favor, I love these 4"x 4" gift boxes from The LARGE size of each Easter cookie cutter option will fit perfectly in these single gift boxes.
- For 2-cookie gift sets, these 7" x 4.25" gift boxes from BRP Boxshop are my go-to boxes for small gifts. Again, the LARGE size cookies would be ideal for these boxes, as well.
- For mini cookies, I package a set in these 12" long by 2.5" wide clear bags, which can be found in my shop.
Decorated Easter Cookies
First up are these adorable bunny carrot cookies. These bunnies scored themselves a huge carrot and are proudly showing them off! The carrot section was designed large enough to add a name for personalization. In the picture below, you can see how a single cookie can be packaged in the 4"x 4" gift boxes I mentioned above.
(Font used: KG Be Still and Know)

The theme with the bunnies in this collection is "ears down for sturdiness". The following sitting bunny cookies, like the bunny carrot cookies above, were designed with ears hanging down and close to the body to prevent breakage during shipping or handling.
The body itself was kept pretty general, which allows you to get pretty creative with the body designs. Below I show four possibilities on decorating this bunny cookie cutter. However, the possibilities are endless.

Along with the sitting bunny cookie cutter, are these additional designs: the Easter chick, the Easter basket, and the Easter egg on grass. I wanted to keep the designs fairly simple for easy decorating without losing too much of the cute-factor.

I really enjoyed mixing-and-matching all four of these designs to create combo pairs for these gift boxes, which you can see below.
(Font used: DK Abeille)

One option I had a lot of fun designing was the Happy Easter bunny design below. It's a simple silhouette of a bunny, but I designed it with the head low and close to the body to allow room for a "Happy Easter" message.
The "Happy Easter" calligraphy design was hand-drawn by me. Fitting words into an existing shape was very challenging, but I loved how it turned out. Hopefully, I'll be able to do more hand-lettered calligraphy in the future because I really enjoyed creating it.
The calligraphy design will be available for reference in a downloadable template, which will be ready in a few days. (Exciting news-- I also plan to make it into a stencil for easy decorating. Be on the look out for that soon, as well!)

Continuing on with more gift set ideas, here is a simple Happy Easter banner design. The banner is an existing cookie cutter I debuted in the fall with this fall set. The group of eggs cookie design is a variation of the single egg on grass design shown above.
(Font used: Gloucester MT Condensed)

Speaking of the egg on grass design, I wanted to show a fun and easy way to utilize its mini size. Aside from mixing all the colors, this mini set was a breeze to decorate. Each letter of "EASTER" was placed on an individual cookie for an adorable, yet easy mini set. The mini bags used were these bags available in my shop.
(Font used: DK Abeille)

I hope everyone is looking forward to spring because I sure am!