Valentine Otter Cookies

Essential Decorating Tools for Royal Icing
This post is over a week behind schedule, but better late than never. Right? I do have a good excuse though! I had a birthday this week and decided to treat myself with a little procrastination. It was lovely.
Anyways, back to the cookies. These are valentine otter cookies for your significant "otter". Actually, you can get pretty creative with the otter puns. (i.e. "There's no otter like you." Or, "You otter be my Valentine." Or, "I'm otterly in love.") The possibilities are endless with the message you would want to get across.
And speaking of birthdays, you could easily switch out the hearts the otters are holding to presents and make them into birthday cookies. These otter cookies are pretty versatile.
Decorating Process
To make these valentine otter cookies, you can free hand the otter body design or use the template I drew up as a guide. Just print out the template and place it in your Kopykake projector, or cut out the shapes by hand and trace it onto the cookie.
You can download the otter cookie template HERE.
I used a decorative plaque cookie cutter from for these otters, but any long-shaped cutter would work fine.
Icing Instructions
Step 1
Begin by icing a cookie in light blue icing and allowing it to dry completely. After the icing is dry, trace out the otter body parts with a food marker. Then, fill the sections with brown icing.

Step 2
After the brown had time to dry, start adding parts of the body. Add the ears, tummy, and one of the cheek sections. Allow those to set then add the other cheek section, feet and center heart.

Step 3
After the new sections had time to dry, add the two arms, eyes, nose, and the bow tie ends. Allow those to set then add the center bow tie detail and the water waves around the otter.

Below are the finished valentine otter cookies. The fine line details of the toes were made using a food coloring pen. I made a female version, as well. Just substitute a hair bow instead of the bow tie, add some lashes, and you got yourself a date for Mr. Otter.

If you're feeling adventurous, I also included a template for a heart-shaped cookie with two otters holding hands. It's in the file link above.

I "otterly" hope you all are surviving the end of winter. I'm definitely looking forward to spring.